The following story appeared in the June 25 Idaho Catholic Register.

By Margaret Hampton
Development Director

As we emerged from a global pandemic after much uncertainty and suffering, Catholics in the Diocese of Boise once again are showing their generosity in this year’s Idaho Catholic Appeal.
To date, the Appeal has raised more than $3,340,000 from pledges and gifts, exceeding the $3 million goal.
Gifts to the Idaho Catholic Appeal support the work of more than 20 essential diocesan ministries and programs that deliver pastoral care and vital services, transforming the lives of thousands of people. For example, money given to the Appeal helps people
in need in addition to supporting other diocesan ministries such as vocations, evangelization, care for our current and retired so much more.
More than 6,500 households have participated in the Appeal so far. While that is certainly encouraging, that number represents only about 24.6 percent of the total households registered in the Diocese.
Some 54 parishes exceeded their individual fundraising goals. They will receive more than $470,000 in rebates that they can then direct toward their parish programs.

We have another 29 parishes (see the chart on this page) that still need support to reach their goals. If you have not given yet, it’s not too late. This annual campaign runs through Dec. 31.
The fact that we have exceeded our goal during a pandemic demonstrates that Catholics in Idaho real-ized they needed to give for those who could not.
These are more than numbers. They are proof-positive of the ongoing generosity of the Church in Idaho. The giving by so many parishioners ties in beautifully with this year’s theme, “Open Our Doors to Witness Christ!”
Throughout the last several difficult months, parish leaders and volunteers have opened doors for spiritual growth for the faithful in a variety of ways. Many people say the pandemic and the Church’s ongoing ministries during it have helped them to return to prayer and a search for deeper meaning and hope in their daily lives. With the days of distancing from the Eucharist and each other largely behind us, we can look forward to a bright and healthier future, opening our doors even wider to allow more room for Jesus.
Here are just a few of the ministries supported by the Idaho Catholic Appeal:
Catholic Charities of Idaho
Catholic Charities of Idaho has been responding to pandemic-related needs, providing programs to assist people moving from crisis to stability. During this time, CCI experienced a spike in young people in need of counseling, so Catholic Charities added another counselor and launched virtual counseling sessions to meet the needs of those in rural areas. Support from the Idaho Catholic Appeal enabled Catholic Charities to provide parish leaders special training and mentoring to help young people with their struggles.
Catholic schools, religious education
Catholic schools and parish faith formation continued to thrive, with the guidance of Dr. Sarah Quilici, superintendent of Catholic Schools, and Jackie Hopper, director of Religious Education and Catechetical Leadership. These offices worked with our schools and parishes to provide guidelines and resources for a successful transition back to the classroom with remote learning options.
ICA donors made it possible for seminarian Tim Segert to complete his pastoral year at St. Mark’s Catholic Parish in Boise. This training allowed Tim to gain hands-on experience in a parish. “You get invited into people’s lives at their most critical moments; that’s a privilege,” Segert said of his experience at St. Mark’s.
Segert is among 14 men studying at three seminaries to become priests. Because of people’s generous support of the Appeal, our seminarians are able to focus on their studies and spiritual formation. Four of these men were just ordained earlier this month. Work continues to help other young men discern their calling to the priesthood.
These are just a few examples of the numerous ways giving to the Idaho Catholic Appeal changes lives and enables Catholics to give witness to their faith.
Through the Idaho Catholic Appeal, the work of the Church continues despite – and because of – the challenges in our society.
We are truly grateful to those who have already made a gift to support our mission. To learn more about the ICA and give, go to or contact me at 208-350-7539 or at mhampton@
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