The following story appeared in the April 30 Idaho Catholic Register.

by Bob Fontaine
for The Idaho Catholic Register
There is a Native American legend of an old Cherokee telling his grandson of a battle within each of us. He states that the battle is between two wolves: one evil and the other good.
The evil wolf displays anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The good wolf shares joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
The grandson asks his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”
The old Cherokee replies, “The one you feed.”
An opportunity for men to “feed the good wolf,” presents itself with the Cursillo retreat on June 10-13 at the Nazareth Retreat Center.

Cursillo, which means “short course,” was founded in Spain in the 1940s by laymen seeking to breathe new life into a moribund Church. Longer than most retreats, the weekend begins on a Thursday night and continues through Sunday afternoon, providing men (and women during women’s weekends) the time to delve more deeply into their Catholic faith and learn the tools to apply their faith into their daily lives, creating leaders who make a positive impact on their family, parish, work places and schools.
Bob Fontaine
Patterned after St. Paul’s journey on the road to Damascus, the week-end is designed to positively impact the lives of those who are searching for a deeper sense
of spirituality with a greater love for God and the Church.
Cursillo is an encounter with Christ (day one), with self (day two) and with our Catholic brothers and sisters (day three). Cursillos are offered separately for men and women.
Cursillo is ongoing; never meant to end. Cursillistas are encouraged to be a part of small-faith groups following the retreat. The desire to meet with small-faith groups will be a natural one after completing what for many is the most profound spiritual journey of one’s life.
Bishop Peter Christensen accepted the invitation to attend a Cursillo 43 years ago in 1978. He said Cursillo had a significant impact in his spiritual journey. “I was ready to enter my Catholic faith more deeply, and Cursillo made a significant difference for me in my relationship with Christ,” he said.
The Idaho Cursillo Movement website, includes a supportive message from Bishop Peter where he states that it is his experience that the movement is a fruitful source of evangelization and renewal.
This rich spiritual journey is not for everyone. It is for Catholics who are ready to draw closer in their relationship with Christ and are ready to “walk the talk.” Those who attend must be practicing Catholics and will have a sponsor who is available for fellowship following the Cursillo.
Cursillo can initiate a new beginning for those ready to answer God’s call, remembering that God doesn’t call the qualified, but qualifies the called.
Are you ready to feed the good wolf?
For more information, contact John Keenan at 208-867-6327 (john@ or Jerry Carbone at 208-230-2698 (
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