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Boise Encounter School of Ministry opens this fall

Writer's picture: Deacon Scott PearhillDeacon Scott Pearhill

Deacon Scott Aiken from Encounter’s Portland Campus and Trish Campaña from Boise pray over Andrew Patti at the Encounter School of Ministry Boise Campus Summer Intensive Aug. 2. (ICR Photo/Deacon Scott Pearhill)

By Deacon Scott Pearhill

ICR Editor

The Encounter School of Ministry Boise Campus will offer a two-year, eight-quarter program on Wednesday nights at St. Mark’s from 6 to 9 p.m. starting Sept. 11. All September classes are free and open to those discerning whether to apply.

In his Friday evening talk at the Aug. 2-3 Encounter Summer Intensive, Christian Welp spoke about Jesus’ desire for His disciples to share His work of changing the world.

Welp reminded the 100 in attendance of the miracle of the loaves and fish, asking, “Where exactly did the miracle happen?” Then, he recited the well-known account of the Feeding of the 5,000 in the Gospel of Matthew: “Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds” (14:19-20).

“It happened “right in their hands” through Jesus’ power,” Welp said. “When his disciples distributed the loaves, the bread never ran out. Jesus longs to work His miracles through our hands.”

Drawing from the richness of our Catholic heritage, Encounter School of Ministry seeks to teach, equip and activate disciples to demonstrate God’s love through the power of the Holy Spirit. Encounter’s teaching is rooted in sacred Scripture, the writings of the Church Fathers, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For Welp, the school of ministry focuses on evangelization and activation, “which leaves us in a different position than when we started.” He describes it as one way to fulfill the injunction of the Apostle Paul, “Be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Rom 12:2).

After the program is established in Boise, it is hoped that it will take root in the other deaneries around the state.

Marisela Baca, Tammy Emerich, Andrew Furphy, Father Caleb Vogel and Christian Welp, all graduates of the Encounter School of Ministry, will teach at Encounter’s new Boise Campus. A typical Wednesday class starts with praise and worship and then moves on to the first session. After a break, there is a second session followed by small

group time and dismissal.

The full two-year curriculum and course details can be found at

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